September 09, 2021

From left to right: Saul Fraiman, Shelly Yeager, Randy Yeager, Ryan Yeager, Moshe Klein (center), Steve Berger, Joanna Mei
Grandview Klein Diamonds (GKD) specializes in a large inventory of diamonds ranging from the everyday to the extraordinary and extra-large and super rare, from 100-carat diamonds to fancy pink, blue, and one-of-a-kind exceptional diamonds.
Once a part of the Julius Klein Group (JKG), Moshe Klein, Principal of GKD, and his father amicably parted ways from Julius Klein company so GKD could provide diamond manufacturing and cutting.
“Production and cutting continue to be our primary focus, utilizing our worldwide supply chain and multiple factory capabilities,” says Moshe. “Our distinct advantage is that this steady and stable supply of rough affords us the opportunity to provide a trusted and reliable source to our partners and customers for the wide variety of diamonds we are so well known for. This, in turn, gives them the ability to present these offerings to their retail customers.”
“With our state-of-the-art factories in New York, Johannesburg, Namibia, and Botswana, along with our sales offices in New York, Tel Aviv, and Hong Kong, GKD caters to our customers’ every need with an extensive inventory,” says Moshe. “This includes the everyday merchandise as well as the hard to find and exquisite, rare white and colored diamonds. GKD is poised to remain a force in the diamond industry for many years!”

As Moshe works to build and expand GKD, one of his first calls was to the American Gem Society (AGS) to transfer their membership. When he started in the business 26 years ago, working on building relationships with high-end and family-owned retailers, he received some advice from a friend and mentor.
“He told me to focus on AGS retail stores for multiple reasons: AGS stores invest in their staff. They have certified gemologists on staff. They will invest in training, have a much smaller turnover, and they really care about their customers. I therefore focused on those retailers and have now had that customer base for decades. Sure enough, some of my best customers and closest friends are AGS retailers. Being an AGS member was one of the best decisions I have made.”
We asked Moshe if there are any diamonds that he gets really excited about. He had a tough time picking a favorite.
“My grandmother always said that whichever grandchild she was with, that one was the most special. I guess I’ll use that same analogy! Having said that, we just finished a beautiful 50ct cushion as well as a 50ct pear shape. They were both made perfectly and have amazing scintillation and brilliance. However, when I think of all the other extraordinary diamonds we are working on now, like a 9ct pink pear shape and 40ct heart shape, the challenge remains!”