
Human Rights Policy

  • GRANDVIEW DIAMONDS LLC. works lo ensure that fundamental human rights and th􀀪 dignity of the individual are respeckd at all times. We therefore comply with and respect all internationally recognised international rights as per the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • GRANDVIEW DIAMONDS LLC. complies with th1:.' United N,.ltions ! :niversul Lk,:bration or Human Rights and ensures that alJ personnel are made aware or lhi:: Dc(:hirat.ion.
  • GRANDVIEW DIAMONDS LLC. is aware of International Labor Organization Conventions 138 and 146 and complies with all relevant Belgian legislation on Social Perfcu111ance including but not restricted to:
  • Child Labor
  • Forced Labor
  • Freedom or association and collective bargaining;
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Health & Safety
  • Discipline & grievance procedures;
  • Hours of work;
  • Remuneration, and
  • General employment terms
  • GRANDVIEW DIAMONDS LLC will not deal or trade, with the companies who do not abide by the same policy of respect to basic Human Rights

Any employee or any stakeholder can voice his concerns on any perceived disrespect or this policy either direct to GRANDVlEW DIAMONDS LLC management or via our dedicated email address compliance@GKDG.com in line with our Grievance procedures.

Security personnel must sign a document that confirms their commitment to the above and acknowledges their commitment lo comply wilh company's policies

We will provide training to all our personal in matters relating to this policy.

We have found no issues as of:


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